Tuesday, August 21, 2007

Mission Conference a Huge Success!

In the words of Pastor Praise - WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOW!

People from around the world have been praying for our Mission Conference.

God answered in a mighty way! There was a gathering of about 60 people at 9:30am for focused prayer on the service that day. When the last prayer was spoken about 10am, you knew God's Spirit was present during this very special prayer time. Only God can deliver on His promises. His Spirit was continually felt throughout the morning service. How special were the Good News Singers? Didn't God use them in a mighty way? EVERYTHING was special not only about this Sunday service but throughout the Conference weekend.

We can all be thankful that we serve a God that truly cares about His very own creation and wants so desperately to be brought back into communion with His creation. Thanks to all that helped organize, lifted up prayers, called, Emailed, etc. But the one that truly deserves the recognition is God and God alone. The theme of our Work & Witness is "it's not about us~but HIM!" This is so true. May our prayer be in the coming days that God will germinate the seeds that were planted and we will act about that spoken word this weekend.

Be in much prayer for the Wednesday night Teen get together. Bro Josh has been promoting and I believe there will be another opportunity for God to deliver something very special to those teens. Let's help get the word out.

Parents it is up to you to have your kids there and even your neighbors kids.

God Bless,


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