Monday, September 17, 2007

Unexpected blessings in our day...

Monday morning following breakfast and devotions, we met with the facilities manager of NTC to get an overview of the work that needs to be accomplished in the short two weeks we are here. Being encouraged that many hands make light work we learn this day just how much work there is to be done! Although enthusiastic about our goals, we struggled to fight discouragement knowing we can only "touch the surface" and improve on areas that are currently being used the most. As we began working to patch, paint and repair the sanctuary where the professors and students gather to worship together, the room became flooded with our brother’s and sisters coming to have their own time of devotion and prayer. As we cooperativley relinquished our work area and joined in to partake in this unexpected time of worship, we became keenly aware of the sincerity in the hearts of these students, of their commitment, and of their deep passion for studying the word of God.

As the students, Reverend Chuck and Dr. Lockard began to sing praises to the Lord and exalt Him despite the suffering and needs surrounding them, we knew this was going to be an unexpected blessing in our day. We watched these students lift their hearts to the Lord as Franque (one of the students) exhorted all of us with Ephesians 6:10 to put on the full armor of God! He urged us to stand firm, placing the belt of truth around our waist that we might be able to stand firm when evil comes! I can tell you this is a “real” and "meaningful" exhortation in this country where evil surrounds you from all sides.

Following this devotion, we quickly grabbed our tools and went to work painting, cleaning and making much needed repairs on the sanctuary and two of the major classrooms. With the simplest of tools in hand, the team dug in to “work heartily as unto the Lord!” As I took pictures and observed the work of these servants, I was struck by the wonderful fellowship happening before my eyes. Brothers and sisters from six different churches across several states working together in harmony (Romans 12:16) to serve the people here in Africa with all their hearts; to make a better home for them and a place where they can equip themselves with the Word of God. What a sweet aroma to the Lord!

Please continue to lift up your prayers for this team as we work diligently to be examples of love to all the students observing us day by day. Pray for our bonding as a team as well as with these men and women who are giving up their lives to prepare themselves for whatever God has ahead of them.

Carry each other's burdens, and in this way you will fulfill the law of Christ. Galatians 6:2

May the God who gives endurance and encouragement give you a spirit of unity among yourselves as you follow Christ Jesus, so that with one heart and mouth you may glorify the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ. Romans 15:5

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