Saturday, September 29, 2007

Although we are home, we have left part of our hearts in South Africa

Praise God that He has brought us all home safely to our loved ones, and to our local churches. We rejoice in all that God has accomplished on this trip, but not just in "bricks and mortar". We rejoice in what He has done in the hearts of His people. He has bridged a gap, across many miles and ocean, to join together brothers and sisters who have a common call to spread the good news of Christ. I can tell you that although God's people need our resources in South Africa, our time spent with the believers their convinced me that we need their spiritual hearts and faith of steel!

As I reflect back on all that our team gained on this trip, it is far more than just memories. It is the recognition of the amazing faith that exists in a country where most people do not know where their next meal is going to come from. Where jobs are scarce, and resources almost non-existent. Yet their faith can move mountains! During my time in getting to know the hearts of these people, I came to understand many of the things they have given up to answer the call of Christ in their lives. Many have lost most of their families, or have families who have forsaken them because of their faith. I came to the awareness that people all of this country WANT to know the Lord and His word... they are just waiting for someone to point the way. Pastors are shepherding churches with no former training because the needs is so great! 50 churches alone in the district we visited, had no pastor to lead them. Resources are not there for those who are called to attend training and yet we have been given so much in abundance. As I spent time with Dr. Lockard, Academic Dean of NTC, I found that on her desk alone she has the names of 50 students that want to attend NTC to get trained in the Word of God, but they have no money for the fees. In Ethiopia alone there are 1,500 students listed who want to learn God's Word through NTC's distance education, yet there are no funds for scholarship. Folks, this is YOUR CALL! We have the resources; we have the nickels and dimes that collectively can feed a nation the truth of God's Word. Please partner with us in helping these students to get the training they need and to provide them with adequate facilities to accomplish God's purposes.

For more information on how you can be a part of this great vision, contact Bruce Jacobson at or Resa Cross at We will give you direction as to how you can partake in bringing blessings to the people of South Africa in a way that has eternal impact. Thank you for your prayers and your support of the gospel in this great country called, Africa.

Monday, September 24, 2007

Greetings in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ.

God is doing remarkable things here at NTC, but the internet connection is NOT! We apologize that we have been unable to update the blog more frequently, but the connection here to the college is totally wireless and unreliable. We are praying to find a better means for the college to keep in touch with the outside world, as their internet and phones are not always available and when it is, it is painfully slow. As our fierce leader keeps reminding us when the water stops running, power goes out, or the technology fails... "We are not in Kansas anymore!"

As I am praying that I can get this communication to upload, I confidently hope to convey to all of those lifting this team up in prayer, that God is doing unfathomable and unexpected things as this team works diligently to serve here at NTC. One of the most important has to be the relationships that we are making with the students here. It is amazing how much encouragement they need as a result of the trials they have been through to get here, as well as the ones they continue to face. Many are losing family members left and right to disease and crime. Many have no family left! Some came only with the shirt on their back, expecting in faith that if God called them here, He would find the means to provide for their education that they might be fully equipped to go out and feed the people of South Africa. Not to just feed them their body, but to give them a kind of water where they would never thirst again! Praise God?!?

As I have interviewed students here, many on tape, I have witnessed second hand the incredible miracles and faithfulness of God! These students, although poor to a measure we cannot comprehend, have EVERYTHING... because they have a faith that is unshakeable!!! The enemy has done everything to tear them down and try to prevent them from being here learning the Word of God. God however has been victorious and faithful and has saved them even from death because He has a plan for their life. A plan whereby generations will come to know Him because of HIS faithfulness and THEIR perseverance regardless of the circumstances!

You ask, "So what is the TEAM doing there to help NTC?" Whew! Let me tell you. This team has worked incredibly hard and very diligent to accomplish as much as we can during waking hours to restore this facility. Here is a partial synopsis of what we have accomplished:

The sanctuary and two major classrooms: Painted walls, scrubbed and cleaned carpets, replaced light fixtures, sealed rock walls, scrubbed down every inch of space, and repaired the small air conditioners. We were also able to get all the windows functional so that they can be opened to allow fresh air in during the cooler evenings.

The bathrooms: Bathrooms all over the campus are being scrubbed, painted, curtains made/hung for the windows and skirts for the cabinet sinks.

The numerous repairs: Outside of fixing the air conditioners, God has blessed us with a few handy men who have been repairing all of the broken/weak chairs on campus and in the dining hall. Also, in honor of Rev. Lockard, we have purchased new lights for the dining hall and are hanging them today while he is away. The existing lighting was so dark and dreary, you struggled to even see the food on your plate. Praise God for His mighty provision!!!

The list goes on and on... hours upon hours are being poured into repairing and restoring the many needs of this facility and God IS blessing it. The staff and students feel incredibly blessed as they thank us upon every greeting. They feel so loved by God because of the work He has accomplished through this team. Both physically and spiritually.

I must tell you that this team is only scratching the surface! There is so much to be done here! Many part of the existing facility cannot be used because they are falling apart or there roofs are caving in. The potential is great, but the needs many! Continue to pray for God to bring more teams here to partake in the work needed for this campus to grow, and to equip more and more pastors to spread the gospel to a much needy people.

I will share with you that I learned this week, there are at least 35 churches here in this Province alone that are without trained pastors. God has gone before this college and caused the harvest around it to be ripe. NTC is so needed! Unfortunately, many of these young people who need training and are being called to shepherd these flocks, have no money! Please pray for God to bring the resources not just for the "bricks and mortar" here at NTC, but also for scholarships!!! Students are ready and willing... they just need financial help!

I will share this one story with you and will try to make it brief... Yesterday, we had the privilege to go and worship in Soweto at Pastor Praise's church. I could write pages and pages of the incredible experience we had and of the culture that exist here, but for now I want to share with you one of those unexpected blessings that seems to be around every corner. As we stopped in a town on the way home from Pastor Praise’s church to see a historical monument, some of our team had the blessings to bring someone on the street to Christ. After bartering over the price of a key chain, this vendor noticed one of our team with a Bible. When he asked if this was the Holy Bible, the team member asked him if he knew Jesus. The man responded, "I know he is on my skin, but I want him in my heart!" Several of the team quickly gathered around and shared the gospel with him just prior to him accepting Christ. The man was changed before their eyes - his entire disposition became one of great joy!!! His immediate bonding with his brother’s and sisters in Christ was so sincere that one of the team members gave him his own personal bible!!! Praise God... this is what it is all about! Continue to pray for blessings such as this, blessings that will last for eternity!

We will continue to update you as much as technology will permit. Please know how much we pray for all of you as well. We miss you and look forward to sharing with everyone at home the amazing stories and lessons God has taught us here in South Africa. Love to all.

Tuesday, September 18, 2007

We Serve a Miracle-Working God!

Saturday, September 15, 2007 will be forever etched upon the campus of Nazarene Theological College in Johannesburg, South Africa.

The mighty Hand of God moved upon the South African Council of Higher Education whereby NTC was granted accreditation of their bachelor of theology programme submission.

This decision culminates four years of planning and praying by the administration of NTC.

The ramifications of this high decision will impact the entire continent of Africa for theological education in the Church of the Nazarene.

Team leader, Bruce Jacobson said it well: “The WORLD is now NTC’s classroom.” Students will be able to receive a qualified and accredited degree which will enable them to secure viable employment and pastor churches. Many churches in Africa cannot pay their pastors a salary; but when students secure a BTH degree, they can support their families while pastoring a church.

On behalf of the administration of NTC, Dr. Lockard wishes to thank RFN for their continued prayer support of this vast endeavor. Prayer was a significant factor that led to the approval of the BTH.

Please continue to PRAY for NTC administration as they pave a positive way forward for God and theological education in Africa.

O Lord, You are my God; I will exalt You, I will praise Your name, for You have done wonderful things, even purposes planned of old in faithfulness and truth. Isaiah 25: 1

Monday, September 17, 2007

Unexpected blessings in our day...

Monday morning following breakfast and devotions, we met with the facilities manager of NTC to get an overview of the work that needs to be accomplished in the short two weeks we are here. Being encouraged that many hands make light work we learn this day just how much work there is to be done! Although enthusiastic about our goals, we struggled to fight discouragement knowing we can only "touch the surface" and improve on areas that are currently being used the most. As we began working to patch, paint and repair the sanctuary where the professors and students gather to worship together, the room became flooded with our brother’s and sisters coming to have their own time of devotion and prayer. As we cooperativley relinquished our work area and joined in to partake in this unexpected time of worship, we became keenly aware of the sincerity in the hearts of these students, of their commitment, and of their deep passion for studying the word of God.

As the students, Reverend Chuck and Dr. Lockard began to sing praises to the Lord and exalt Him despite the suffering and needs surrounding them, we knew this was going to be an unexpected blessing in our day. We watched these students lift their hearts to the Lord as Franque (one of the students) exhorted all of us with Ephesians 6:10 to put on the full armor of God! He urged us to stand firm, placing the belt of truth around our waist that we might be able to stand firm when evil comes! I can tell you this is a “real” and "meaningful" exhortation in this country where evil surrounds you from all sides.

Following this devotion, we quickly grabbed our tools and went to work painting, cleaning and making much needed repairs on the sanctuary and two of the major classrooms. With the simplest of tools in hand, the team dug in to “work heartily as unto the Lord!” As I took pictures and observed the work of these servants, I was struck by the wonderful fellowship happening before my eyes. Brothers and sisters from six different churches across several states working together in harmony (Romans 12:16) to serve the people here in Africa with all their hearts; to make a better home for them and a place where they can equip themselves with the Word of God. What a sweet aroma to the Lord!

Please continue to lift up your prayers for this team as we work diligently to be examples of love to all the students observing us day by day. Pray for our bonding as a team as well as with these men and women who are giving up their lives to prepare themselves for whatever God has ahead of them.

Carry each other's burdens, and in this way you will fulfill the law of Christ. Galatians 6:2

May the God who gives endurance and encouragement give you a spirit of unity among yourselves as you follow Christ Jesus, so that with one heart and mouth you may glorify the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ. Romans 15:5

Sunday, September 16, 2007

What a glorious day God has given us on this His Sabbath! After a restful night in our chalets, we began our morning with a delicious breakfast. We were quickly greeted by a host of enthusiastic children awaiting the many gifts coming from the states. Hearts rejoiced and the chanting of "We love Jesus" by the children rang out as we delivered to them their very own individual bibles from Raleigh First Church of the Nazarene (RFN) in NC, homemade teddy bears from Oak Grove United Methodist Church in Florida, and cross stickers that delighted even the oldest child. The children thanked us with great zeal and childlike love. Surely, the love of Christ was felt in each of their hearts.

As the morning was quickly passing, we rushed to attend a Sunday school class where we studied the parable in Matthew 22. We were reminded and exhorted to make sure we were wearing our wedding clothes - the righteousness of Christ.

We continued on to the worship service where Rev. Mark Medley (Pastor FCN) preached on living a life of holiness. What a blessing to worship together with brothers and sisters from all across the world! We found ourselves immediately bonded together because of our love for Christ and our passion for His word.

As we have begun to make ourselves at home here at the Nazarene Theological College (NTC), we are in awe of the true miracles that are happening here everyday. God’s blessings on this ministry are apparent as we learned today at lunch. Dr. Lockard shared with us that just yesterday, on the very day of our arrival, NTC received the news that they have been granted government approval of their Bachelor of Theology degree for distance education! NTC is now the ONLY Nazarene College in all of Africa to have such a program available online. The enormity of this is still settling in at NTC. As we begin to realize all that this will mean for Africans called by God into ministry, we realize this opportunity will impact far more than just South Africa; it will impact all of Africa! In fact, as a result of God’s miracles during a time when the government is shutting down programs such as this, NTC is now the “world’s classroom!” May He receive the glory!

Please continue to keep NTC and its missionaries, Rev. Chuck, Dr. Lockard, and Annique, in your prayers. He has called them to a great cause of which they are passionate about; a cause that will equip men and women to go out and be a light in a dark, hurting country. Your prayers and resources are what keep them fueled for this task. Continue also to pray for the Work and Witness team over the next two weeks as we seek to minister to them and physically work to repair and rebuild the facility God has given them to do His work.

Blessings and love come from all of us to you!

Saturday, September 15, 2007


Greetings brother and sisters. The 2007 Work and Witness team has arrived safely and was greeted with much enthusiasm. Praise God for His watching over us. More details to come later. May His will continue to be done. Please keep us in your prayers and we will update you as technology permits.

Tuesday, August 21, 2007

Mission Conference a Huge Success!

In the words of Pastor Praise - WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOW!

People from around the world have been praying for our Mission Conference.

God answered in a mighty way! There was a gathering of about 60 people at 9:30am for focused prayer on the service that day. When the last prayer was spoken about 10am, you knew God's Spirit was present during this very special prayer time. Only God can deliver on His promises. His Spirit was continually felt throughout the morning service. How special were the Good News Singers? Didn't God use them in a mighty way? EVERYTHING was special not only about this Sunday service but throughout the Conference weekend.

We can all be thankful that we serve a God that truly cares about His very own creation and wants so desperately to be brought back into communion with His creation. Thanks to all that helped organize, lifted up prayers, called, Emailed, etc. But the one that truly deserves the recognition is God and God alone. The theme of our Work & Witness is "it's not about us~but HIM!" This is so true. May our prayer be in the coming days that God will germinate the seeds that were planted and we will act about that spoken word this weekend.

Be in much prayer for the Wednesday night Teen get together. Bro Josh has been promoting and I believe there will be another opportunity for God to deliver something very special to those teens. Let's help get the word out.

Parents it is up to you to have your kids there and even your neighbors kids.

God Bless,


Tuesday, August 14, 2007

Mission Conference 2007 - Join us this weekend

You have a standing invitation to join us for a life changing event to be held at Raleigh First Church of the Nazarene in Garner, NC this coming weekend.

Pastor Praise grew up in the ghettos of Soweto (South West Township of Johannesburg) with a population of six million. He went on to study for two years to become an attorney when God redirected his life's calling. This is when he felt called into ministry and enrolled at the Nazarene Theological College (NTC). It is here that he met pastor Chuck Lockard who went on to mentor, equip, and train him to become passionate about God's calling on his life.

Come join us to hear Pastor Praise

2007 Missions Conference

Being Truly Missional Through Discipleship

August 18th at 7pm – Special Music and Service

August 19th at 10:30am – Sunday Morning Praise!

Pastor Praise & Dr Lerato Nkosi

A Note from Pastor Praise:

This past April we had our wedding celebration, we are still very excited about us being together.

Its exciting to be part of what God is doing in the church.
We are not too sure why God has entrusted us with such a critical calling but we are ready to be the tools in his hands.

We are pastoring a fast growing church in South Africa right in the heart of Soweto. We have planted the church in 2005 and we have an attendance of hundred every Sunday. We are now having a "good problem", the venue that we are renting is now too small to accommodate us.

We have an explosive praise and worship every Sundays. The burden that we have is to be a model church that will set trends for the African Church not only Nazarenes but the whole Evangelical Church. Recently we have started home cells and its encouraging to see the impact it has had in the church health.

I am also part of a life changing programme called "the Silver Ring Thing". It is a sexual abstinence programme aimed at the youth. I felt it was not good enough to preach about HIV/AIDS epidemic without being actively involved in educating and informing the youth about the lethality of being sexually active before marriage.

This is but the few of what God has placed in our heart.


Praise Nkosi