Sunday, September 16, 2007

What a glorious day God has given us on this His Sabbath! After a restful night in our chalets, we began our morning with a delicious breakfast. We were quickly greeted by a host of enthusiastic children awaiting the many gifts coming from the states. Hearts rejoiced and the chanting of "We love Jesus" by the children rang out as we delivered to them their very own individual bibles from Raleigh First Church of the Nazarene (RFN) in NC, homemade teddy bears from Oak Grove United Methodist Church in Florida, and cross stickers that delighted even the oldest child. The children thanked us with great zeal and childlike love. Surely, the love of Christ was felt in each of their hearts.

As the morning was quickly passing, we rushed to attend a Sunday school class where we studied the parable in Matthew 22. We were reminded and exhorted to make sure we were wearing our wedding clothes - the righteousness of Christ.

We continued on to the worship service where Rev. Mark Medley (Pastor FCN) preached on living a life of holiness. What a blessing to worship together with brothers and sisters from all across the world! We found ourselves immediately bonded together because of our love for Christ and our passion for His word.

As we have begun to make ourselves at home here at the Nazarene Theological College (NTC), we are in awe of the true miracles that are happening here everyday. God’s blessings on this ministry are apparent as we learned today at lunch. Dr. Lockard shared with us that just yesterday, on the very day of our arrival, NTC received the news that they have been granted government approval of their Bachelor of Theology degree for distance education! NTC is now the ONLY Nazarene College in all of Africa to have such a program available online. The enormity of this is still settling in at NTC. As we begin to realize all that this will mean for Africans called by God into ministry, we realize this opportunity will impact far more than just South Africa; it will impact all of Africa! In fact, as a result of God’s miracles during a time when the government is shutting down programs such as this, NTC is now the “world’s classroom!” May He receive the glory!

Please continue to keep NTC and its missionaries, Rev. Chuck, Dr. Lockard, and Annique, in your prayers. He has called them to a great cause of which they are passionate about; a cause that will equip men and women to go out and be a light in a dark, hurting country. Your prayers and resources are what keep them fueled for this task. Continue also to pray for the Work and Witness team over the next two weeks as we seek to minister to them and physically work to repair and rebuild the facility God has given them to do His work.

Blessings and love come from all of us to you!


Anonymous said...

Resa, I loved the pictures- keep them all coming! Post as many pictures as you can! Praying for you constantly! We love and miss you!

Anonymous said...

Hi guys. I just want you to know how much we miss you all. We are praying everyday for miraculous things to occur and for your well being. I am just overwhelmed at how you can feel the spirit in just viewing the pictures. I know He is doing a great work through some faithful servants. Work hard and Love harder.

Trish Burroughs

PS. Alex says he is going to have Uncle Randy fly him to Africa to visit you.